Blake's Bricks

Paving the Way to a Brighter Future

Our second phase of the Rhinory’s legacy truly begins with the breeding barn and expansion of pasture. The barn will allow us to expand our herd for optimal management and care of this species.  A few unique aspects of the barn will include a maternity area that will give our mother and calf a peaceful area that allows for proper bonding to develop between the two.  A maternity pasture will be attached to the barn allowing exercise and growth for the young calf. The weigh scale and chute system will allow for monitoring of pregnancies, medical evaluations and normal veterinary care.

Expansion of pasture is important for development of herd dynamics, socialization and natural behaviors.  Large animals require more space to roam, exercise and relax.  Not only do we support rhino conservation through direct financial funding, but now with this second phase we can assist in the expansion of the white rhino population here in the United States.   

Join us in supporting Blake’s Barn Expansion


Your contribution will make a lasting impact on the lives of rhinos and help ensure their survival for generations to come. Permanently installed in the walkway to the winery, your personalized brick will symbolize your commitment to rhino conservation.

Brick Options:

4 x 8 Brick Text Only ($100): Up to 4 lines (21 characters per line)

4 x 8 Brick Text & Clip Art ($125): Up to 3 lines (16 characters per line)

8 x 8 Brick Text Only ($250): Up to 8 lines (21 characters per line)

8 x 8 Brick Text & Clip Art ($275): Up to 6 lines (16 characters per line)

Full Customizable 8 x 8 Brick ($500)

Once your order is placed and paid for, we’ll email you to collect your brick personalization details.
Phase 1 Installation: Early 2025.